About Me

My name is Duncan. In the summer of 2016 I was in-between jobs and decided to make a game. I wanted to make an action game that was simple but extremely challenging, forcing the player to master it, becoming intimate with the controls. I loved older games like Shinobi and Strider, and games like Megaman which could be really unforgiving at times, but in being so stingy with granting the player progress they also gave a beautiful, powerful feeling of accomplishment. I wanted to make a game like that, too.
It really has been one hell of a ride getting to this point. There were many times when I thought the game would never see the light of day. I hope that if you find it interesting you'll give it a try.
It's a modest game, but I think it's a good one.
You can follow me on Twitter @duncankeller if you'd like. If you don't want to hear me blabber on about this and that you can also just subscribe to my email newsletter. Thanks for your interest!